
Welcome to the National Wellbeing Service

Welcome to the National Wellbeing Service Ltd. This website focuses on health and wellbeing. On our website there are links to videos, articles and research that focuses on enhancing wellbeing. We have included free health self-assessment tools which provide an insight into wellbeing, healthy eating, drinking and mood. We have uploaded free books on a range of topics that will be of interest to health professionals wanting to increase their understanding of physical and psychological wellbeing. We support and promote National, European and International health and wellbeing campaigns. We also provide health and wellbeing related training for health professionals.

We launched our organisation’s website on the 27 March, 2015, on Ireland’s first National Workplace Wellbeing Day which was organised by the Nutrition and Health Foundation.

We support the Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress Campaign which is organised by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. We have provideden_logo_hw information about the campaign on our website.

We believe that every person and every health worker should have access to the healthcare information they need to protect their own health and the health of those for whom they are responsible. We support Healthcare Information For All (HIFA) and actively encourage you to join the HIFA forums.

The National Wellbeing Service is an organisational member of The Movement for Global Mental Health. It is a network of individuals and organisations that aim to improve services for people living with mental health problems and psychosocial disabilities worldwide, especially in low- and middle-income countries where effective services are often scarce. Two principles are fundamental to the Movement: scientific evidence and human rights. The Movement has grown to a membership of around 200 institutions and 10,000 individuals, many of who are actively involved.  Members of the Movement include individuals and families affected by mental health problems, health care providers, activists, decision makers and researchers worldwide.

Why does well-being matter?

In an interview with the CIPD, Professor Lord Richard Layard, Wellbeing Programme Director at the LSE Centre for Economic Performance, asks why well-being matters for individuals and business.

The National Wellbeing Service Ltd has been launched by a group of Chartered Psychologists, Chartered Biologists, researchers and health professionals. Check out our facebook site for relevant posts, follow us on LinkedIn, twitter or Google+. We publish wellbeing-related information websites and five health and wellbeing related peer reviewed journals.  Visit our About webpage to learn more about the National Wellbeing Service.

Healthy workplaces manage stress

Healthy workplaces manage stress

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