Every February Is Our Heart Month, 2016

Heart Month 2016

Every February is our Heart Month. There are things you can do to help your heart and you can encourage your friends, family and work colleagues to take action too. Visit our National Wellbeing Service webpage for more information.

EuroHealthNet is organizing a roundtable on Mental health promotion at work on 19th May 2015

EuroHealthNet is organizing a roundtable on Mental health promotion at work on 19th May 2015.

Participants from several EU member states will discuss the latest developments in mental health promotion at work and present EU initiatives in which EuroHealthNet is involved, such as the JA on mental health and wellbeing, OSHAs healthy workplaces manage stress campaign and the EU mental health compass.

Experts and EU officials will discuss look into the current EU legislation and present the state of play for mental health promotion at the workplace from their countries. The future and opportunities for mental health promotion at work will be discussed.

  • The half-a-day workshop will take place on Tuesday 19th May in Brussels from 9.00 am until 3 pm at the Nordic House – Rue du Luxembourg, 3, in Brussels.
  • A few seats are still available. Should you be interested in participating in this workshop, register by emailing EuroHealthNet’s Advocacy and Healthy Ageing coordinator Karoline Noworyta.
  • To access the agenda, click here

Institute of Health Promotion and Education (IHPE)

The Institute of Health Promotion and Education (IHPE) was established 50 years ago to bring together professional workers on the basis of their common interest in Health Education and Health Promotion with a view to their sharing experience, ideas and information. The Institute is a recognised professional association offering Full or Associate membership to those engaged in the practice of Health Education and Health Promotion. The Institute concerns itself solely with professional interests and activities related to the practice of Health Education and Health Promotion and does not undertake any trade union activities.

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