Category: Health promotion
EuroHealthNet is organizing a roundtable on Mental health promotion at work on 19th May 2015
EuroHealthNet is organizing a roundtable on Mental health promotion at work on 19th May 2015. Participants from several EU member states will discuss the latest developments in mental health promotion at work and present EU initiatives in which EuroHealthNet is involved, such as the JA Read More …
15th year of the Mental Health Awareness Week
Now in its 15th year, Mental Health Awareness Week aims to encourage the conversation around mental health to fight discrimination and stigma and promote good mental wellbeing. For one week in May, Mental Health Foundation campaigns around a specific topic. This year the week will fall from 11-17 May Read More …
Institute of Health Promotion and Education (IHPE)
The Institute of Health Promotion and Education (IHPE) was established 50 years ago to bring together professional workers on the basis of their common interest in Health Education and Health Promotion with a view to their sharing experience, ideas and information. The Institute is a Read More …