Child Healthcare Information For All

Child Healthcare Information For All (CHIFA)CHIFAlogoLowRes

CHIFA (Child Healthcare Information For All – formerly CHILD2015) addresses the information and learning needs of those responsible for the care of children in developing countries, including mothers, fathers and family caregivers as well as health workers. Its remit includes children’s rights to health and healthcare, and the social determinants of health.

The vision of CHIFA is: A world where every child, every parent and every health worker has access to the health information they need to protect their own health and the health of children for whom they are responsible.

CHIFA is administered by the International Society for Social Pediatrics and Child Health, the Global Healthcare Information Network, and the International Child Health Group of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Why should I join?

CHIFA members enjoy many benefits:

  • Be part of a worldwide community (more than 1800 members) dedicated to meet the information and learning needs of healthcare providers
  • Find out about funding and training opportunities, useful websites, new publications
  • Raise awareness about your organisation, activities, services
  • Share your experience and learn from others
  • Make new contacts
  • Collaborate to achieve common goals.

In addition, as a CHIFA member you will have the opportunity to contribute to international child health conferences worldwide through ourGlobal Communications Package.

The address to send a message to CHIFA group members is:

CHIFA is facilitated by a unique process called Reader-Focused Moderation. This ensures maximum value for all members.

The CHIFA email archive is freely available

We are currently working with the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services to develop an innovative method to collate the key points expressed by HIFA and CHIFA members in a new, searchable database. We are currently seeking financial and/or technical support to process the content of the CHIFA archive so that it is fully searchable and available in the database.

CHIFA members

Copyright Jean Sack ICDDRB, Courtesy of PhotoshareThere are more than 1800 members in 110 countries worldwide. Every CHIFA member has a signature profile, which is added to the end of each message they send to the group. In addition, many members have given specific permission for their profile to be included in theCHILD2015 Members Directory to facilitate one-to-one networking between members.

CHIFA leaflet
Join here



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