Tinnitus Week 2019

Tinnitus Week, 4-10 February 2019

This week is Tinnitus Week and this year’s theme is Tinnitus and Isolation.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the name given to the noises a person can hear in their head, one ear or both ears. It is a symptom more than a diagnosis as many things can cause it. These noises are not harmful although some people find them distressing which can lead to stress, depression, anxiety, concentration and sleeping difficulties.

What does Tinnitus sound like?

The noises vary from person to person. It can sound like ringing, clicking, whooshing, hissing or buzzing. Some people hear a combination of noises. The sounds can vary in volume too and may only be heard when the environment is fairly quiet.

Watch this video to understand more about Tinnitus which has been produced by the American Tinnitus Association (ATA). The core purpose of the ATA is to promote relief, prevent and find cures for tinnitus, evidenced by its core values of compassion, credibility and responsibility.


British Tinnitus Association

During Tinnitus Week, the British Tinnitus Association (BTA) will be trying as hard as possible to reach even more people in new ways, in the hope of helping them feel less isolated. For the first time ever, as part of Tinnitus Week, the British Tinnitus Association (BTA) will be keeping their helpline open overnight on Tuesday 5 February, in order to be available to speak to people with tinnitus who are struggling and can’t sleep. You can also email BTA on helpline@tinnitus.org.uk. The BTA have a number of activites planned for the week. Visit their website for more information.

Promotion over social media

On social media please the use the hashtag #TinnitusWeek

