World Cancer Day 2019

World Cancer Day 2019

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. 
Together, we will change that.

This World Cancer Day, we’re asking for your personal commitment to take positive action against cancer. We believe that we can achieve the global target of a 25% reduction in premature deaths from cancer and noncommunicable diseases if we act today.

Join us on 4 February to speak out and stand up for a world less burdened by cancer.
Our time to act is now.

Hashtags: #IAmAndIWill  #WorldCancerDay

Campaign theme 2019 – 2021: I am and I will
You are the hero of this story. Whoever you are, you have the power to reduce the impact of cancer for yourself, the people you love and for the world. Only when we have commitment, can we take action and accelerate progress.
It’s time to make a personal commitment.

Did you know?

  • The total annual economic cost of cancer is estimated at approximately US$1.16 trillion.
  • 9.6 million  people die from cancer every year – this number is predicted to almost double by 2030.
  • At least one third of  common cancers are preventable.
  • Cancer is the second-leading cause of death worldwide.
  • 70% of cancer deaths occur in low-to-middle income countries.
  • Less than 30% of low-income countries have cancer treatment services available (compared to 90% in high-income countries)
  • Up to 3.7 million lives could be saved each year through resource appropriate strategies for prevention, early detection and timely and quality treatment

World Cancer Day Each year on 4 February, World Cancer Day empowers businesses, communities and individuals across the world to show support, raise our collective voice, take personal action and press our governments to do more.

Who’s behind World Cancer Day?
World Cancer Day is an initiative of the Union for International Cancer Control, the largest and oldest international cancer organisation committed to taking the lead in uniting the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, promote greater equity, and integrate cancer control into the world health and development agenda.

Why cancer in the workplace?
Cancer is a critical health and human issue. Today, 9.6 million people each year will die from cancer. Making it the second-most deadly disease.
Yet, at least one third of cancers can be prevented. Businesses and workplaces have a fundamental role to play in achieving a world less burdened by cancer. Businesses can contribute to healthier workplaces, be a powerful voice in the community and act as a vital support for employees impacted by cancer. For more information, head to to download the Healthy Workplace series of resources.

World Cancer Declaration

The World Cancer Declaration calls upon government leaders and health policy-makers to significantly reduce the global cancer burden, promote
greater equity, and integrate cancer control into the world health and development agenda.

