NOhep 2020: World Hepatitis Day 2020

NOhep 2020. The 28th July is World Hepatitis Day 2020

Interested in learning more about Hepatitis and World Hepatitis Day? Watch The World Hepatitis Day film below which has been made to raise awareness of viral hepatitis, and can be used as part of events, on social media and when working with the media.

Watch the video above and listen to Chris and Lucy from the World Hepatitis Alliance to find out more about World Hepatitis Day 2020 and how you can get involved. You’ll find out more about the 2020 campaign, WHA’s planned activities, and the resources available to help you make the most of World Hepatitis Day. World Hepatitis Day 2020 will be unlike any other due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. However, we can still make an impact, raise global awareness of viral hepatitis, and works towards finding the missing millions who are living with the condition unaware.


Social Media Hashtags

Please use #NOhep, #WorldHepatitisDay #FindtheMissingMillions #HepatitisFreeFuture in your World Hepatitis Day social posts.



World Hepatitis Alliance


