World Hand Hygiene Day

World Hand Hygiene Day on 5 May 

WHO Hand Hygiene Campaign: “SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands”


WHO Hand Hygiene Campaign: “SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands” 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) are calling all health workers and others to join hands in celebrating and empowering nurses and midwives in the monumental work that they do to keep our patients, families, and their colleagues safe by preventing health care-associated infections.

May 2020 calls to action:

Nurses: “Clean and safe care starts with you.”
“Your hands make all the difference for mothers and babies.”
Policy Makers:
“Increase nurse staffing levels to prevent infections and improve quality of care. Create the means to empower nurses and midwives.”
IPC Leaders:
“Empower nurses and midwives in providing clean care.”
Patients and Families:
“Safer care for you, with you.”

Take Action

On 5 May join us in clapping at noon in support for the invaluable work that nurses and midwives do to ensure clean care for patients, mothers and babies, including in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Take a video or picture and share on your social media channels with the tags
#SupportNursesandMidwives #HandHygiene #InfectionPrevention
and send to and/or

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