International Relaxation Day 2024

International Relaxation Day 2024


International Relaxation Day will be held on the 15th August, 2024. A day to relax or choose to learn new relaxation techniques. Or perhaps take some time out in a busy day to relax. Since 1985, National Relaxation Day is held annually on the 15th August in the USA. Nowadays, with thanks to social media platforms many people around the world celebrate National Relaxation Day and more recently, International Relaxation Day.

Director of the National Wellbeing Service Ltd, Dr Stephen Palmer PhD who is a registered a Counselling and Health Psychologist said: ‘Research has found that relaxation techniques can reduce stress and anxiety and enhance performance. They are often used with coaching, counselling and therapy. These techniques are simple to learn and apply within one’s daily routines. The National Wellbeing Service launched an International Relaxation Day website in 2023 which has videos on easy to learn relaxation technques. Well worth a visit.’

International Relaxation Day is an opportunity to reflect and share the importance of relaxation and how people, families, organisations and communities can learn about applying relaxation in their daily lives and routines. Social media can be used to share what methods you have found useful to aid relaxation. You can use the hashtags: #InternationalRelaxationDay #InternationalRelaxationDay2024 #Relaxation

If National Relaxation Day is recognised in your country then you can use the hashtag: #NationalRelaxationDay

International Relaxation Day Website

In 2023, the National Wellbeing Service Ltd launched a website dedicated to International Relaxation Day which includes information about how to relax. It also has a Research Hub for health practitioners, teachers, health coaches, doctors, psychologists and other professionals who may wish to use relaxation in their area of work. The development of this website will be an on-going process and new material will uploaded over the coming months.

World Mental Health Day

The main objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health.

The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.

“It is important that stakeholders address the mental health needs of their client groups. Governments should provide adequate funding for mental health services but sadly these services are often underfunded.”

“Some interventions are relatively straight forward to implement. For example, research has found that easy to learn relaxation techniques can be effective in reducing stress and anxiety and can even help to lower heart rate and blood pressure. Relaxation training is a low cost intervention to deliver whether in a clinic, hospital, workplace, school, university, or online. Let’s do it” said Professor Stephen Palmer PhD, Director of the National Academy of Relaxation, a faculty of the National Wellbeing Service Ltd.

Get involved. Follow or use the social media hashtags: #WorldMentalHealthDay #WMHD #WMHD2023


World Federation of Mental Health

National Academy of Relaxation

National Wellbeing Service Ltd

National Academy of Relaxation

National Academy of Relaxation

The National Academy of Relaxation is an education, research and membership faculty of the National Wellbeing Service Ltd. A key aim of the Academy is to promote relaxation techniques and strategies to enhance physical and psychological wellbeing. There are many decades of research that demonstrate that simple relaxation methods can reduce blood pressure and heart rate. The National Academy was launched in August, 2022.

Our affiliated organisation, Centre for Stress Management was launched in 1987 and since the 1990s it has provided professional body recognised and approved training for health professionals in stress management.


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