Tinnitus Awareness Week 2017

Tinnitus Awareness Week 2017

Tinnitus Awareness Week (TAW) is an annual event which is taking place this year from 6-12 February. Activity will be based around the campaign ‘Together for Tinnitus’ which is intended to generate discussion about tinnitus and raise awareness of the work being carried out and support provided by the British Tinnitus Association and other services across the UK.

The British Tinnitus Association are promoting their new online resource which for people newly diagnosed with tinnitus. Take on Tinnitus is designed to give facts and ideas for things you can do to manage tinnitus and is an ideal resource for GPs to suggest to new tinnitus patients.

Organisations involved internationally include:

British Tinnitus Association

American Tinnitus Association

Better Hearing Australia

Tinnitus Australia

Further details about TAW

If you would like to get involved, please do get in touch with the British Tinnitus Association via emily@tinnitus.org.uk

Health coaching for tinnitus management project

Two Directors of the National Wellbeing Service Ltd, Prof Stephen Palmer PhD and Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD have launched a research project focusing on how health coaching can be applied to assist tinnitus management. If you are interested in keeping up-to-date with this project, please visit the project research website.

